

Back in 2016 I was clueless as to what an EMT was much less what they did. I left secondary school with one subject. I worked at grocery stores, hardware stores, sold CD;s you name it. I always had ambition and the desire to want better so I did YTEPP programs and also got 1 or 2 subjects during that period. However, my journey started when I joined ETITT as a student in 2017, there I met my calling and it became my home away from home. The owners and staff at ETITT seem to be able to detect a willing mind and spirit, which I had. The guidance and recommendations gained during the 1 year of study there changed my life. Of course, I was successful at the EMT program and also earned my USA National Registry of EMT (NREMT) certification. Today I am gainfully employed with the National Ambulance Service, and also pursuing my Bachelors in Education. They point and lead me to opportunities and in directions I never thought was possible. None of this would have been possible without you guys and for this I am eternally grateful.
Karlon Hutchinson
I decided to do this programme because of the flexibility with time & career opportunities. During the EMT programme, the teaching efficiency & academic growth were contributing factors to staying in the programme. The labs (practicals) were the main highlights for me. It provided the perfect merger of the theory & practical applications thus making all the information acquired applicable to real life situations. I always felt 100 percent supported by the academic, administration & student support staff throughout my studies.
Kester Langevine
The main highlights of studying at ETITT were the lecturers. They took the time to make sure the students understood the chapters. The practicals were astronomical. I had to cut back on my regular lifestyle to fit this programme in. It was difficult at first, but I adjusted. The staff were awesome and made you want to come to class & study. The EMT programme at ETITT is good value for money spent.
Janelle Charles
I did this programme for job opportunities. I had to work my lifestyle and schedule around the programme for my family and myself. The lecturers went out of their way, to make sure we understood what we were learning. This programme was worth every penny.
Radha Dhanraj
I always wanted to help people who were not able to help themselves. To be at their side so they do not feel alone. My main highlights were the teachers and other students. I had not been in a classroom in years, but my classmates and teachers made this the most comfortable learning experience for me. I learned, studied a lot but also got to laugh at times. The EMT textbook is heavy but very detailed. Now that I have completed this course, I want more and hopefully can move on to Nursing.
Shanice Alleyne
Our lecturers go above and beyond for students and it was all a lot of fun. The staff were very helpful and always willing to go out of their way for us. We felt like we were more than students. The course took a lot of studying and effort, but it paid off. I was able to work and study.
Sheldon Rampersad